The Centre
Over the course of some eight hundred years, the University of Padova has accumulated a precious, and extremely diverse patrimony of scientific, artistic and historical artefacts, items and documents that have variously been created by the academics of the institution, donated to it, or purchased by it, to support its research and teaching activities.
A significant portion of this rich heritage is collected in the eleven museums and six collections coordinated by the University Museum Centre.
Although, in general, each museum is run independently, the Centre is responsible for certain common aspects of their cultural and academic development, specifically:
• maintaining collection catalogues that can interface effectively with key international databases by using a consistent set of functional criteria and working in line with current Italian standards;
• maintaining the collections, facilitating conservation work and restoration, and adding to them with new acquisitions and donations;
• promoting research and other academic activities in relation to the museums and collections, not least by facilitating the inclusion of visiting academics and researchers from other institutions in Italy and abroad, and supporting participation in world-class research projects;
• promoting access to, and utilisation of the collections by managing regular opening hours and out-of-hours access, coordinating teaching activities aimed at students from all levels of education, and employing modern, cutting-edge communication technologies.
The Centre also handles the museums’ and collections’ contacts with other museum bodies in Italy and around the world, from the International Council of Museums (ICOM), and Universeum, to the Coimbra Group of universities, as well as supporting them in participating with major international events, such as: European Researchers’ Night, Settimana dei beni culturali (“Cultural Heritage Week”), Settimana della ricerca scientifica (“Scientific Research Week”), Settimana del Pianeta Terra (“Earth Week”), European Academic heritage Day.
University Museums Centre (CAM – Centro di Ateneo per i Musei)
Palazzo Cavalli, Corso Garibaldi 39 - 35121 Padova
tel. +39 049 827 2049
Posta certificata:
Prof. Fabrizio Nestola
tel. +39 049 8272049
Technical Director
Isabella Colpo
tel. +39 049 8272052
Centre Staff
Alessandra Angarano
Elena Baldin
Adriana Belotti
Marzia Breda
Nicola Carrara
Sara Cavinato
Daniela Cinquemani
Letizia Del Favero
Lara Endrizzi
Fabio Fignani
Mariagabriella Fornasiero
Dalila Giacobbe
Giovanni Magno
Fanny Marcon
Rossella Marcucci
Chiara Marin
Lucia Maran
Alessandra Menegazzi
Federico Milanesi
Simone Molinari
Giuseppe Palmisano
Salvatore Restivo
Elena Santi
Sofia Talas